Butterfinger Copycat Chocolate

⅓ Cup Light Corn Syrup
1 Cup Sugar
⅓ Cup Water
1Cup Regular Peanut Butter (no nuts, not light)
Appx 2 cup Dark Chocolate Wafers

👉Do NOT make double batch. It comes out too thick and sets immediately if you try to spread it.

Put the cookie sheet in the oven on warm.

Put water in 6”-8” pan, heat Use calphalon or similar pan. Heavy bottom pans burn mixture. Use a small pan otherwise the liquid is too thin.

Add sugar and corn syrup and stir to dissolve.

Using good candy thermometer heat on medium high heat to 285 deg(hard crack@5000'). Mix will warm slowly then suddenly start heating fast. Watch closely once it reaches 275 deg. Maybe 15-30 minutes on small burner.

Warm peanut butter to just liquid. About 30-45 seconds in the microwave.

Remove syrup from heat.

Quickly stir in peanut butter. Pour PB into a syrup pan, not other way. Pan keeps the mixture hot.

IMMEDIATELY! Spread on wax paper on cookie sheet. Use long flat spatula and push more than spread

IMMEDIATELY! Score with a knife into 1” x 1” squares or as desired.. Re-score if mix flows back over cuts. Again push with long spatula or knife, don't draw


Melt chocolate.

Filling may tend to break when dipped. Depending on temperature, filling may work better to dip if frozen for 5-10 minutes.

Dip and chill.